Clostridium botulinum
The bacteria clostridium botulinum releases the toxin. The toxin inhibits the release of acetycholine in the central nervous system. Botulism spores are found everywhere in the environment including soil, airborne dust, surfaces of raw fruits, vegetables and seafood.
Now for some interesting molecular tinkering: there is a trivalent equine antitoxin available from CDC but when you use a horse-derived anything you run the chance of poisoning yourself through anaphylactic shock. So, the "dukes of hazard" over at CDC are developing a heptavalent antitoxin (good for all 7 toxins) by cleaving the Fc fragments from horse IgG molecules, leaving the F(ab)2 fragments. It's a new wave for immune regulation but can't be used for viruses like HIV or Influenza which are constantly mutating. I have an idea for that though, but if you want to know it you've got to discuss hiring me as a grad student! ;)